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Fruits or roots - what fruitarians hide from the world?

First of all, notice that the term fruitarianism does not imply that you will eat only fruit. After all, fruits are not the only decision in this food system. According to botanical rules, we can include berries, vegetables, and other natural gifts. But "tops" and "spines" like greens, leafy vegetables, and root fruits are not allowed to eat.

A new lifestyle or simple false religion?

What is fruitarianism? First of all, it is clear that this is a form of vegetarianism and even more severe. Often some plant products do not include in a food ration. And it is usually not only a food system. Usually, it also a worldview that includes various spiritual practices.

It's understandable that in such spiritual currents, a lot of discussions. And some disagreements lead to different directions and interpretations.

Some people eat only whole fruits without any thermal or chemical treatment. Others prefer only those that they can harvest without killing the plant. Someone is imposing additional food bans for inner harmony. And some people allow themselves to cut, mix, cook. A lot of fruitarians include above 75% of fruits in their daily ration.

Scientists did a lot of research and confirmed that a ration that contains above 75% of fruits is the healthiest one. It's very cool if the remaining 25% of the diet is vegetable food.

Why is fruitarianism useful and good for health?

Fruit and berries are useful. They have vitamins C, A, beta-carotene, fiber.
Also, they contain a lot of different antioxidants - the most valuable part of these natural gifts - which helps against atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and many types of cancer. They usually have a protective effect on the body and inhibit aging - as their antioxidant's outcome.

How to make a balanced diet?

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating at least five or six meals a day of vegetables and fruits.

A lot of studies show no unpleasant effects of eating more fruits - it's even better. For example, scientists from the United Kingdom recently showed that seven or more doses of vegetables and fruits per day reduce mortality by 42%, and five doses - by 36%. In some countries, lots of recommendations for consuming more than five portions.

For instance, in Australia, often recommend five meals of vegetables and two pieces of fruit per day. Such a food schedule keeps the heart wealthy and young, protects blood vessels, and prevents most cancers.

If you accept a fruit diet, keep in mind that you will visit the bathroom several times a day. It's normal and even good for your body - all because of fiber consumption.

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