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How to stay healthy, even if you are older?

Most people nowadays find themselves reading more about long life and get an interest in the health sphere. Sometimes, people act more ignorant to arguments of doctors about using pills. And that is a good sign.

For instance, social activity and enthusiasm in topics about low-calories food are growing up every month by 3.4%. It seems that people want to know more about it. Every person wants to be in a good mood and keep the body in the usual comfortable condition. It needs to follow a simple list of rules to prevent unpleasant feelings and ignore the need to visit a doctor.

No hard and rough dishes, fried, or sauced-spicy plates. And that is wonderful. The culture of eating is opening a new page of the evolution of the people.

But, we are going to discuss a concrete element of a healthy life, the most underrated and ignored nutrient - vitamin K.

According to scientists' research in nutrition and health prolonging, this vitamin helps to sustain the stable life of elders and prevent them from an unexpected and early death.

And what was the result?

It all started with volunteers. Tests involved about 3000 different people from 56 to 72 years old. Lists of test subjects compiled according to their blood containment of vitamin K. At the start of the test, all of them did not have any heart issues. The final results have shown no link between lack or excess of vitamin K and troubles with a heart. But, researchers have noticed the fact that about 20% of all subjects who received less vitamin K were closer to death than those who kept that level at normal.

But after all of those procedures, scientists didn't find out the exact answer on what link between death rate and vitamin content in the blood. But research helped to understand that vitamin K helps to prevent calcium buildup in arteries. It associates with decreased blood flow throughout the body.

What the main guidelines for a solution?

Get about 110 micrograms (mg) of vitamin K every day. You can find it in broccoli, dark leafy greens like spinach, vegetable oils.

The best period of the day to consume that portion is the morning before 11 o'clock. And don't forget about the avocado. It is also useful for men.

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