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Social Differences

Social differences — what kind of mind vision needs to overcome that?

One of the probable reasons is that humanity is not ready for not-like-other individuals — blinded perception. Those people have different thinking and acts without fear of being criticized.

We can watch the following same attitude in gender talks, racism, poor and wealth, worker, and businessman.

"People fear something they cannot understand." It is the best citation that describes the whole picture of unequal vision and perception in the world.

Ok, now let us put aside that philosophic style.

What can we spectate in the problematic of social unfairness?

The first question to you — what social differences show to us? Always get deeper. Try to understand the core of the problem.

Social differences include an aggressive critical perception. In psychology, there is an authority opinion that aggression is the result of lacking love, respect, and opportunity to be heard.

A person who has no chance to express his feelings becomes more aggressive. Full of self-feeling abandoned and muted, he dislikes his interlocutor.

So, unwilling to be unheard forces a person to use a defensive mode and pushes himself to a self-destructive attitude. Firstly, you give away a personal thing, and nextly you wait for a reward or a little praise. That is the other undisputed rule in behavior psychology.

The best solution for that problem is to give some love and show respect.

What kind of reaction sociality causes to everyone?

The second question — social differences reveal that a person is inclined to envy someone. Is that a social model of behavior or a greedy projection of the need for personality?

We all do understand well that the System pushes us to challenge each other. Every person is unique. Every man has his baggage of knowledge, skills, and possibilities. According to psychology, every effort to envy someone is a result of a strong unsatisfying.

The person hates the situation he stuck with and trying to climb out of that. As a result — he pursues the other lives and other success. When he realizes it is not what he can possess — frustration grows and shuts a person's adequate vision.

So, we must try to help every man in that kind of situation and build a social model where people equal to each other. It is a long term hard work, but it is necessary and needs immediate attention.

That will be the best solution because trying to rebuild a personality way of thinking — useless.

Like with children, we need to show how to overcome that with our example.

What aftermath will the people face by following such ignorant behavior?

The last question — social differences destruct demographic climate. What say you?

Weak people equal to the weak government. According to existential psychology, the stronger always tries to suppress the weaker ones. That is the rule of Nature.

The way people continue to live with dirty thoughts and cruelty will bring nothing good.

The solution is simple — do not distress the people, do not shut their mouth, and do not act like they are wild dogs. Instead of punishing, there is always a more effective way to get a positive result. Violence is not an instrument of Nature.

Social differences are an accidental circumstance of unwillingness to solve social worry. The more and longer government will ignore that problem, the louder and more terribly people will act.

"Do not talk to your children about the good in the past. Show this good in the present".

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